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With January's model changing these idea suggestions will become more important than ever.

4-5 of the models each month will be determined from these polls! So be sure to share some ideas for the first big release.

What hero models do you want to see! Be sure to like other's comments that you would like to see as well to bump the chances of them getting chosen.



A Frogfolk adventurer would be fun!


Oh my, Heroic Garry and Frogfolk are both so amazing suggestions! You're Goblins are always great, and cute Kenku might be fun too.

Nathaniel W.

I'll say githyanki again because the astral planes need representation.


Three (small creatures) in a Trench coat. Would work with kobolds, goblins, gnomes, halflings, fairies etc.


Warforged Warlock with a book


Dice goblin ;)


Tieflings please :)


A voodoo style character with needles and dolls and pins

Jay, Dr Fugue

For no particular reason, humanoid slimes (actually they are an enemy in my campaign)


Maybe something cyberpunkish? I like a lot your goblins, so whatever they are fantastic or futuristic looking I'd be happy to see more ^^


I second humanoid slimes

Marie Stevens

Monster girl. Slime girl, snake girl(lamia), drider, so forth so on....there is a list I can give.


Lizard Folk Gladiator


Warforged Druid


More adorable goblin princesses.


Goliath Luchador


Teifling fortune teller


Elderly quest giver / cute grandma


That punk kid in the village that everybody hates


Cavalier & pony mount


Always love me some Cyberpunk or scifi chicks. Doing a Red Sonja build on Cyberpunk2077, right now.


Dragonborn! Let's get some dragonborn up in here.


Still pulling for some metal as hell Shark merfolk.


Tiefling melee fighters!


"Regular" wild animals in neutral poses to make Scenary in our RPG games - Deers, goats, cheeps, cows, chickens, ducks and so on and so on


And of course, angels

Micah Raymond Maloney

Seems a few calls for cyberpunkish, slime girl, and tiefling primarily for similar requests... I like all three options, and the three-in-a-trenchcoat idea... Maybe 3 cyberpunk modrons in a trenchcoat? They rarely ever get any love (one of the NPCs my players love in my campaign is a quadrone paladin whom they repaired, but before his language centers recalibrated, they accidentally made it so he uses a bit of profanity for yes, no, maybe, and other simple responses, etc). As for a tiefling, I think a melee character could work well, possibly a monk/barbarian hybrid, who is trying to learn inner peace, yet struggles with not just snapping and raging at things? Might be an interesting dichotomy, especially with the fighting against ancestry side of things as well. Slime girl... Well, most tend to be relatively simple, but... what about a more friendly sort of oblex homebrew that just wants to go on adventures and such, but has to use the tethered form mimicry to be able to not be in as much direct danger of being hunted down... Maybe a shy sort of, hmn, wild magic sorcerer? Or a rogue... could fit through confined spaces, etc?


Casting my net for a crew of centaur knight lancers style, wouldnt hurt if they were all cute females either ya know

Loki Frostborn

I would love to see more of your cute goblins (both male and female) of different classes


Id love to see some steampunky cat-humanoid type characters


lol for real man, the goblins are the best ones i've seen

chris proctor

I think that we are missing A good halfling rogue. I'm Tired of having to .. Morph other models to a halfling for my friends who like halflings. Also. I would love to see your take on a Monk from FFT.. They have sexy outfits. And cool gloves. Outside of a fantasy setting.. We need a Super hot Superhero.. Or maybe a Jedi or SciFi commando..