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Here is your Adventurer tier download link! It contains all the files for this month. Supported versions of all minis are now up.

If you forgot what was released this month you can find the details here!

DownloadHERE   and DownloadHERE 

Password: YourOrderIsComin

MyMiniFactory Discount Code:   MerryKrampus




I don't know if its a mistake but the link to the goblin artificier doesn't need pasword.

Loki Frostborn

i just love your goblin designs, i cant wait to make them

Loki Frostborn

The goblin artificer looks amazing, I hope in the future you'll grace us with more of her possibly a standing version. you're goblins are the best


I'm downloading it a little late - has the password been changed? I'm getting an error.


Merp. Disregard. It turns out I can't copy paste correctly and I should feel ASHAMED. :)


Okay so downloading January stuff (so much greatness!) and I notice my December folder is empty. With the holiday's and all I forgot to download this - any chance I still can?