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Hey, everyone, I wanted to try out something new to see how it goes. I want to see what kind of content you'd like to personally see. So comment back to this with a mini idea!

Supply a Gender, Class, and Race. And anything else you might want to add (weapon, etc).

If someone has suggested something you like just like their comment! Those with the most likes will be added to this month's hero poll.  If this goes well I might do it every month.


Thanks for all the great suggestions! the next Hero Poll will be up sometime tomorrow for all $10 patrons.



Maybe a little more out there- I personally would love to see your take on a female aarakocra based off a less seen bird species like a secretary bird or peacock! Something more femme fatale / beautiful killer feeling. I think it would be fitting for a rogue or bard.

Chason LaPointe

I'd love to see your take on a Dwarven Ranger. Female preferably. Have an animal companion and swap-able rifle and bow/crossbow.


I’d love a male kenku bard college of swords!

Grumpy Guy

Female, Cyberpunk, Human. Lots of space here. Bounty hunter, corporate drone, assassin, ninja, sniper, first responder, technomage, entertainer, etc. I suggest visiting pinterest.com for ideas. Unfortunately it's easy to get sidetracked by all the pretty imagery.


Minotaur Dervish Cleric


A tabaxi warrior; something that could be used for various classes from fighter to paladin to ranger to cleric with a couple weapons swaps.


Minotaurs in any class other than "big angry male with weapon" would be nice....For something a little diffrent you might also consider reproducing the Qunari From Dragon Age, which can be adapted to D&D easily enough as ogres/half-minotaurs. On the more asian side of things, I'd love a good Jorogumo (depictions vary, but imagine a geisha with spider legs coming out of her back...you could do the full 8, or maybe just 4, as technicly the human arms and legs would count as 4 limbs...your call..it's a design thing) They are also sometimes represented as female Driders. For that matter.....give us Lloth! giant frickin spider with elven head. if you want to do something more monsterous, try an Ettercap . On the more humerous, a goblin ninja trying to BE Spider man. On the more cute, a female gob and male gob ninja recreating the upside down kiss from the sam raimi movies.


An idea I think would be cool is maybe a female Firbolg cleric?? Medium long reddish/brown hair with that pale blue/light grey skin and their reddish tipped nose/ears,wielding a mace and shield. Obviously all the colors are up to whoever prints and paints them, just ideas


If you're down for anthromorphic features on humans might I suggest somewhat like the mobile game arknights body features on male and females with fantasy themes. But if we're sticking to your releases, any race, females with musical instruments. Time to create a band.




Male tiefling mage/sorcerer, and maybe female/male halfling rogue - it's surprisingly hard to find a good model for those popular combinations


female halfling monk, I've got one in my PF2 campaign and poor girl can't find a mini for her life that fits her character. I've got a female elf monk that I'm going to try and scale down, but I'd love to have a halfling monk from you to add to the table for her!


monsters :D like giant worms, treeman, rock elemental, snake, giant wolfes, giant spiders


giant bats


Female Human Urban Ranger. Studded Leather Top, Shortsword/Dagger Two Hand Fighter or hand crossbow and dagger. Hooded Cloak, some hoods pulled over hair, some left down. Short Hair option. Could also be a halfling.


Well we already have lead guitar and bass...strings if we count the bard. We need lead vocals and drums. So maybe Dwarven or Warforged artificer on drums? Tiefling rogue on vocals? Maybe some halfling roadies?


u know some time in the future a sexy tight outfit big brute muscular sexy female orc with a mohawk


Honestly, I'd love to see some more Goblins. Whenever you see goblins, they are usually male, usually enemies with generic swords, spears, etc. So if I do a female goblin PC, I don't have many options. That's the kind of stuff I like to support from independent creators. Stuff that I can't get from searching thingiverse or MMF. Your sculpts are beautiful, dynamic and cool, so keeping things unique would be a big staying power imo


Trickery Domain Kenku Cleric, breastplate wearing with a dagger and shield.


Female Elven Gunslinger.