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Does anyone else wish that there were like 10 more hours in every single day? It's just the way of my life lately that I just don't have enough time for everything.

I specifically planned to do a bunch of work (including this update) last weekend only to be met with a power outage on Saturday that lasted from noon until 4AM. This also caused a network outage with my internet and cellphone carrier and those services weren't returned until Sunday evening. UGH!

That being said I was frustrated because I had shit to do but also thankful because I hadn't had adequate rest since coming back from vacation and it allowed me to sleep off and on all day on Saturday and catch up a little. I came back to work Monday actually feeling refreshed, but I'm also behind so I'll have to work extra hard during this week to get everything done. LOL 


You guys know that I went on vacation for the second week of September. Since my car got totaled in May and I've been waiting for my new one to arrive AND having covid once in July and once in August I ended up feeling like I didn't get a summer at all.

So what else is there to do but try to fit a summer's worth of fun into 10 days? LOL 

The new car, who I have lovingly named Pearl was delivered 2 days before my plans started. Just in the knick of time! I picked Pearl up on Thursday evening, packed and finished a ton of work on Friday and then headed up Saturday morning. 

Here's Pearl chilling at the cottage. 


There is a small town in Ontario where Katie West spent her summers as a kid, and now it's become a tradition that she and her family rent a cottage in that town for a week or two every summer. Katie and her partner fly in from Scotland, her parents, friends and other family make their way there sometimes for the entire duration, sometimes just for a few days...but no matter how long you stay it's always magical and EXACTLY what you need. 

Beach hair, don't care.

Any time I spend with Katie is so rejuvenating. I just love her energy, being around her replenishes me in the best of ways. Being around her at a cottage, in the summer replenishes me 10 fold. 

It was also so nice to see her friends new and old, just sit in the sun at the beach, be in the lake...yes yes yes.

Unfortunately, I was only there for a quick one-day visit. That night after a little campfire and before the rain I left for Toronto to pick up my partner and head to another cottage. Def wish I could have spent more time with these lovely ladies.

Second stop - Cottage 2 

It took me:

3 hours to get to Katie's cottage from my house

2.5 hours to get from Katie's cottage to my partner's house

and it's 3 hours from my partner's house to the second cottage we stayed at. 

The original plan was to get to my partner's house, sleep there and take off for the next cottage the following day. BUT my partner came back from work bouncing off the walls ready to go at 2 AM and wanted to leave that night.

WHAT??!?! I was so tired. I was IN bed. I had already driven 5.5 hours that day, had a visit with lots of socializing and a full beach day....plus it was 2 AM and I was up at 7 AM AND they weren't even packed yet!!!!!!!

I was the most unhappy camper, waiting for them to get ready, trying to wake up. Not wanting any of it. But....they packed, we packed the car, threw in a bulldog and my partner drove us to the cottage. We got there as the sun was coming up, which was lovely but honestly, I went right to sleep lol. 

(It all made them very happy though so I have no regrets, I was just quiet and internally grumpy the entire time.)

Second cottage even looks like the most perfect cottage.

Inside and out - pure cottage vibes.

That week honestly is still a bit of a blur. As I mentioned before I tried to fit an entire summer of fun into one week.


Went on a Tug Boat ride around the lake with someone from the area who spoke about the history and development of the area. 

Swam off our private dock every single day at least once. 

BBQ'd every single day. I ate so many hot dogs I easily made up for not having any for years prior. BBQ'd hotdogs and chips for lunch at the cottage is SO Canadian Summer to me. 

Explored multiple cottages on the property. 

Hiked in the heat which ended up being way too much for this little one who had to be carried home.

Read the cutest LGBTQ comic, Heartstopper (fully recommend).

We played board games while drinking too much sangria. 

Every night after the sun went down we'd pick a movie from the giant wall of VHS and DVDs to watch including classics like: Pretty Woman, Practical Magic, The Rock, SPEED, Gone in 60 Seconds, Friday the 13th etc.

Watched the sunset every single day from the dock.

We took mushrooms the day the sky ended up like this. We sat on the dock for hours watching the sunset and the stars come out. It was so lovely.

Had sex outside in a bunch of different areas which was a bucket list thing for me because I love how my bare skin feels laying in the sun. Intimacy on top of that was just divine. 

Shot 7 sets most of which were outdoors - which was AMAZING. I could have easily stayed another week and shot more inside of the cottage but I opted to do all the outdoor stuff first since that's what I've been missing this year. 

Behind the scenes of things to come:

We also made something called cone cakes which I had never heard of instead of a regular cake for my birthday. You put cake batter into ice cream cones and back them. The cones actually soften in the process and when they come out you have these clean little cupcakes almost. CUTE! 


On our very last night, we decided to do acid. I had never done it before but ended up having an amazing time. We walked through the woods, and laughed our butts off while watching the clouds, we stood and watched forest spiders catch bugs and build their webs in the golden hour sun. 

Everything was just so beautiful. 

We explored and found a fairy garden by the lake and then headed back to our dock for sunset. We brought out all of our blankets and pillows and made a next on the dock to watch the sunset. 

That night was the calmest I've ever seen the lake. 

The moon shone so bright and when the stars came out they were like diamonds in the sky. We spent hours on the dock cuddling, laughing, making out and just basking in the beauty of nature. 

As the sun went down we saw a property on the other side of the lake light up, and then the music started - I guess it was a wedding? 

At first, we groaned because everything had just been so calm and perfect but it didn't take long for me to start singing along to Spice Girls. In the end, we ended up slow dancing on the dock under the stars. 

Can you imagine anything more romantic? 

Seriously it was the most glorious week and I wish I could have stayed for another. *sigh I came home very tired but it was super worth it. Goodbye cottage, until next year. xo

I didn't reread or edit this cause....I'm behind! LOL
I hope it wasn't too bad.





Breathtaking photos. So glad you had a great time.


Your dog is so darn cute. And well you are too, but you knew that ready 😝