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Hey guys!

Awhile ago one of my friends (and patrons) Luis sent me both an article and a link to his Medium page. Since then I've been OBSESSED with Medium.com. There are so many writers in so many different categories that you can read. 

I'm someone who really prefers to curate my own feeds and be in control of what touches me. When I created a Medium account I got to choose the things I was interested in reading and I get an email every single day with articles - and I always want to read all of them. 

Most of them are pretty short reads so I used them to break up my work day.  Or before bed if I just want to do a little reading before I fall asleep I pop up the Medium app and grab something super quick.

It's like having the best magazine in your back pocket at all times. I would def recommend getting an account. I'll probably share articles here and there from this site as well but I wanted to give you an overview intro to it first. 




Medium - Get smarter about what matters to you.

Medium is not like any other platform on the internet. Our sole purpose is to help you find compelling ideas, knowledge, and perspectives. We don't serve ads-we serve you, the curious reader who loves to learn new things.


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