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Since I'm having issues with my content been leaked, I'm going to start sending the final art/animation to all patrons DMs with a link to the content to do things more complicated for leakers. The WIPs and requests are still gonna be shared in the patreon feed as always but the final render of that content would be sent directly to you. this link only would be functional until I release it to the public which is after 2 weeks.

I was looking at primeleap but it doesn't work for GIFs or videos. So if someone has ideas and suggestions to keep my art secure I'm all ears!


Platinum Warrior

Oh no! That's frustrating. It's sad that people have to leak such talented art like yours.


Yeah for some reason people think artists don’t need to make money and that they should just make the art for free because someone else did. “Oh I can go to pornhub and get all this porn for free why should I pay for yours?” Artists have bills too.


Oh nuuuu, I’m so sorry that’s happening qwp *hugs*


Awww... man I was afraid thoes thing would happen...


you should upload your work to MEGA its a user encrypted cloud. you can still categorise all your content, and its secure to everyone except the people you want to access it. you just make a post on patreon with a link and it will show people the video on the MEGA site.


If I may ask how does that work? DM wise I'm new to Patreon and you're the first person I subscribed? Donated? Paid for? Whatever you call it, Sorry if it seems a little random of to ask but I'm curious to how dm'ing people here works


The work in progress (sketches) are still going to be posted here in the patreon feed as always but the full colored images/animations are going to be sent through DMs with a dropbox link


Yes I can help you protect your content.