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Tested out splitting the enemies into broad categories and came up with a system that applies Weapon Resistance to them, such as:

  • ➖➖: very weak to
  • : weak to
  • /: no changes
  • : resisting to
  • ➕➕: very resisting to
  • nil: impregnable to


  • Bone (Pierce /, Slash ➖, Blunt )
  • Slime (Pierce ➖➖, Slash nil, Blunt ➕➕)

Above here are the first results! The game will now show if the weapon you're using is right for that kind of monster! 

This will expand (and compress) the viable options around the different areas of the Kingdom, and I really really like forcing you to choose~! I'll work and balance all the categories of "armor" (skin, fur, chitin, scale, jello, stone, bone, plant) and report! All will be available to be tested in the next Beta build!



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