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A new Princess is ready to be recruited and added you your harem/party/collection!

She's a mess of a girl, caught in a horrible situation, and we love her for that!

Base Stats

  • HP 120
  • MP 25
  • ATK 70
  • DEF 60
  • MAT 45
  • MDF 60
  • AGI 65
  • LUK 60


  • New Skill: "Chain Armor"

Your AGI influences your DEF and MDF.

➡️The real DEF is (AGI+DEF)/2

➡️The real MDF is (AGI+MDF)/2

With this Skill, you're more incentivized to invest in Agility (basically "swinging those chains with enough skill to use them as defense too")!

  • Ability: "Shackles"

Slows enemies down almost to a halt! Very useful to get out of sticky situations!



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