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Felt like there was something wrong with these mechanics, so here's how they change:

  • HP/MP Regen items such as Clockwork Key and Rejuvenating Beads restoring 1%/2%/5% MP or HP every second was way too much, with them also being active outside combat. I've changed that to flat 1/2/5 MP or HP recovery!
  • Compared to these passive recoveries, Life and Mana Steal items can be used to gain back greater chunks of HP/MP per second, provided you're fighting enemies, and that feels right to me. Passive recoveries should be way slower than the active ones.
  • Completely changed how Luck and Wealth influence the rarity of dropped items!
    Your active character now gets a 1-20 Luck Score, which we get from:

for the Knight (max Level = 30, no access to Wealth stat)

Luck Score = (Luck Stat + 1) / (20 + Character Level)

for Progeny/Princesses (max Level = 20, access to Wealth stat)

Luck Score = ((Luck Stat + 1) / (30 + Character Level)) + Wealth

With the Luck Score calculated, we now go to influence the quality of the dropped item, which will start from the Drop Rarity assigned to the monster you've killed:

Luck Score < 1: Drop rarity - (d10)

Luck Score 1-2: Drop rarity - (d8)

Luck Score 3-4: Drop rarity - (d6)

Luck Score 5-6: Drop rarity - (d4)

Luck Score 7-8: Drop rarity - (d3)

Luck Score 9-11: Drop rarity +- 0

Luck Score 12-13: Drop rarity + (d3)

Luck Score 14-15: Drop rarity + (d4)

Luck Score 16-17: Drop rarity + (d6)

Luck Score 18-19: Drop rarity + (d8)

Luck Score >19: Drop rarity + (d10)

This makes Luck way more important as it can now also decrease the quality of the dropped items if your fighter's score is too low!

I hope you can see the thought process that want into these changes, I feel like they are for the better and will allow for Luck, Life/Mana Steal builds to be actually useful!



Oh, I've also nerfed Eldritch Princess hueheuheehue


%hp Regen, it hass been an honor. Rest in Peace, your work here is done.

Indiana Atwood

I'm confused about the equations. There must be something I'm missing because it seems to suggest that the luck score is negatively affected by characters increasing levels. That just doesn't make sense to me, but I guess it might be the intended outcome? Am I just an idiot, or is that right?


It had to be done, with stats ranging from 1 to 999. I wanted characters with a good LUK stat to be able to improve their drop quality regardless of their level. Before now a "high LUK character" at level 1 wouldn't get better drops, while a "terrible LUK character" at level 20 would. As it is now, LUK makes more sense if it gets A-B-C-D... grades.


Furthermore, LUK influence on critical hits being inflicted/suffered has always been unrelated to its absolute value, it was bound to the difference of LUK between attacked and defender. As above, makes more sense if we take the rough numbers out. Will see if it can be done.

Indiana Atwood

Thank you for taking the time to reply. I'm still confused though, so I'll try to break it down. I'll use the Knight's stat, for example. Say we have a luck stat of 199 Using the equation: Luck Score = (luck stat+1)/(20+Character lvl) Knight lvl 1: (199+1)/(20+1) = 200/21 = a luck score of ≈ 9.5 Knight lvl 20: (199+1)/(20+20) = 200/40 = a luck score of 5 (granted, this is just an example, not to say its possible to have 199 at level 1) So, am I correct? Will the higher your level be screw your good drop rates if you don't invest in luck later on? Also, while I'm on the topic of luck: does the luck stat only apply to the specific character fighting, or does the stat from the entire pary stack? Simply, should I be attacking with my highest luck character to get better drops, or do they just need to be in my party?


Only the leader's Luck counts towards drop quality. And yes, if you grew your Knight to level 20 without investing in LUK, you'll not get as many nice drops. I'm balancing it rn, and I've removed the Luck "numbers". It is now graded from "SSS" to "H", from best to worst Luck.