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Almost finished working on Pruszka, as we prepare her conversations and get ready to distribute this draconic MILF!

  • New Skill! "Draconic" 

A powered-up mix of "Pretty Face" and "Spooky", granting her a -4 to requirements to visit Castles but halves visitors in the various meeting spots around the Kingdom! She's FEARED, and it's reflected in the game's mechanics.

  • New Ability! "Enflamed"

During battles, she can cycle between a neutral and an aggressive stance (+25% MAT, -25% ATK, enables "Zmeu Fire")

She's got her "Draconic Shackles" that can be used to lock her into either form! The Dragon form has better stats but will damage itself if she tries to use "Enflamed"! Pretty high-maintenance. The Human form, instead, can change stance without taking damage!

We'll give the needed love to this untamable beast and send her out soon~
