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General post: ๐Ÿ‘‘ Princess Poll ๐Ÿ‘‘

  • Anubis Princess
    Additional Details: Rich and prosperous Reign, at the expense of the living.
  • Dwarf Princess
    Additional Details: Digging deep under the Kingdom. Great halls and underground dungeons.

  • Shadow Princess
    Additional Details: Shadow form in her Reign, Imp form outside it. Other imps get a shadow form when inside the Shadow Reign.
  • Mushroom Princess
    Additional Details: Can switch between futa and female form!

Naked Portraits:


It's Tag Team!  The winning down will fight within itself in the Final!

Make sure to head to our Discord server (https://discord.gg/princessconquest), we've made new cute emojis to cheer for your favorite Princess!

[Final Results!]

  • ๐ŸบANUBIS + โ›๏ธDWARF 37% โŒ
  • ๐Ÿ„MUSHROOM + ๐Ÿ‘โ€๐Ÿ—จSHADOW 63% ๐ŸŸข


The Poll will end immediately whenever I measure one of the teams reaching (after applying vote multipliers) 70%!



Anubis and dwarf easy


imma stick with shrooms and shadows - at leastr some variety than just another shortstack and another doggyn ;p


Anubis and dwarf need to stop this shroom sorry shadow p tho you will be remembered


Im OK with shadow, not shroom sorry shadow enjoyer but Im not willing to take that risk

Griffin Baker-Royo

Sorry shroom it could have been you and Anubis, but our dog God is going all the way


you guys know we are only get one princess right?

Yuki San

Shadow and mushroom are the more versatile if the two pairs. Variety is the spice of life. Why would anyone want more of the same?


wish it was shadow and dwarf instead


Can someone explain why people want shadow P so much? Like it's just a knock off ghost P but worse, kinda boring less the re design is better.


True but I wanted Gemini because it's unique and a good story idea, I never voted for dwarf. At least anubis brings more lore/story towards the sphinx dungeon possibly. I'm just honestly curious on why people want shadow P so bad.


It's pretty unlikely that Anubis would interact with Sphinx since not only is Sphinx already tied to a completely different reign, she's also just a side princess and kingdom below is more or less a place of isolation where generally no-one leaves


People want Shadow p because not only is she a cute, smug imp but also her potential ties to Dusk p and the greater overarching plot of the game could have many questions answered through her, she's got the highest potential for lore and story expansion of any of these candidates


No, this is simply wrong, only one of these candidates will occupy a reign after this poll

De Tall Guy

If I increase my teir would that affect the poles cuz I'm tired of seeing the numbers say one thing and the results say another because of the teir preference


I was not in on shadow but like seeing that she has another form being imp form and getting to see it now has changed my mind a bit but I wouldn't mind anubis is great too this is a rough poll for who I want and imp progeny would be fantastic


Oh okay gotcha, thanks for answering my question first off, second couldn't you just ask the creator for more dusk P to get more story? Like maybe give her, her own route instead of having a completely different princess to add to a different character's story?


I guess I'm the only guy rooting for dwarf.

De Tall Guy

No I'm with you there, we need an enemy for the bugs and the dwarf fits perfectly since they're both going to be fighting in caves meaning we can have a really good dungeon


Dusk p is already going to get a route, one that intertwines with up to this point, three other routes that involve her, however in each of these her motives are generally a mystery and we still know very little about her actual boss, shadow reign would be a perfect vessel to answer a lot of questions regarding not only Dusk p's motives but also provide answers regarding the moon goddess which Dusk p works for Like are all imps the Moon Goddess' underlings or is it just specifically Dusk p, Basilisa who is another imp seems to imply she only works for herself but we need a larger pool of characters of this species to know for sure Are imps just in general aligned to be "evil" or has the current state of the world simply made them out to be Why would Dragon Queen choose Dusk p as an advisor when she's part of a race that is going to live in an area that is generally associated with banishment and isolation, kingdom below is essentially the part of the world that DQ and I guess to an extent the church wishes was forgotten


Honestly I wasn't thinking of the bugs plus I haven't been able to get underground.


Ah I understand completely now thank you for telling me, I understand that reasoning and I support your opinion, I'll vote for shadow because I don't much care to outcome nonetheless.


I personally do not like princesses with "surprise" and the shadow I do not see as attractive

Kevin J Weir

Come on! Anubis Princess!


Insects already have an enemy which is the humans, the whole reason they're even down in the kingdom below at the start of a playthrough is because of being hunted by humans

Yuki San

Man, would be sooooo nice if all the losers in these polls became dlc, or even side princesses with no reign, to include present and past princesses, like hydra princess and the more recent dirge princess and frog princess 2. I can only dream.....

Yuki San

Three sets of lips are better than one.


Seems like pol closed before it was done its 57% for anubis when it closed...