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Took a good and long look at how weapons compatibilities, prices, and damages were distributed throughout the whole game and decided to... flip the table.

Here's the new Weapon Chart, showing what kind of weapons can be used by the endless number of Princesses and Progeny characters in your files!

  • "-": No chance
  • "X": The whole race can use it
  • "body type": Just that body type can use it
  • "std": Every body type not mentioned in this row can use it 

It changes pretty much everything about almost every one of the 25 races currently in P&C, and it covers the first batch of Additional NPCs too.

Consider that, additional weapon compatibilities are possible if your character is equipped with certain costumes or armors ("Coatl" and "Hen Hunter" Kobold costumes add Spear weapons to them, "Hidden Scales" adds Dagger instead, and so on)!

So, you'll get many many weapons sent back to your equipment as you load one of the next builds. Don't get scared, it's the effect of balance!




Tony Curtis

Now that I think about it, bows and arrows would be easy to integrate using the mana bar as an arrow counter. I can see the magic-less needing the develop some way to engage at range