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Beta starts getting chunks of Oni content today, but we've got SO MUCH ready for stable builds too! The new Skills change the game completely, as far as Progeny is concerned, and it will be an aspect that will get expanded further, I don't have a single doubt about it!

Make sure to peek into the Skill Repository to see all the ones you can get by standard means!


CHEATS (Stable)

Additions and changes:

  • ❗️61 new unique Skills added❗️ Any new Progeny will get automatically assigned one between the 8 available to each race!
  • Oni Princess NSFW Animation #3 added
  • Oni NPCs NSFW Animation #1 (2 versions) added
  • Rabbit Princess NSFW Animation #4 added
  • Oni PRINCE NSFW Animation #1 added
  • Oni NPCs can now be found inside the Stone Knife
  • Recruits now also pass down special resistances and Skills
  • Added "Babs' Potion Shop" reward! The Cauldron Pin will allow Babs to play any animation available in the game! This month's MINI releases this weekend only on our Patreon!

  • Added the first 🕺 (C)hoose (Y)our (O)wn (P)rogeny NPC! Sakari can be found around Frozen Stick Village!
  • Tweaked the chances to incur in rare Progeny Skills
  • Holstauri can now use Claw weapons by default
  • Mermaids can't use Shields anymore
  • Crown items can now be used only by Princesses
  • Princess Crown gets +10% DEF/MDF + 25% LUK
  • Costume balance: "Sacred Ankh" for Cat Princess and Progeny, from +100% MDF/LUK to +50% MDF/LUK
  • Costume balance: "War Starter" for Dog Princess and Progeny, from +75% MDF/LUK to +50% MDF/LUK
  • Costume balance: "Reined Ride" for Wyvern Princess and Progeny, from +100% AGI to +3 Lust
  • Costume balance: "Acid Armor" for Slime Princess and Progeny, from +200% MDF to +100% MDF
  • Costume balance: "Bartender" for Kobold/Human/Globlin Princess and Progeny get +1 Love +1 Wealth/+1 Love +1 Lust/+1 Lust +1 Wealth 
  • Costume balance: "Beaming Bride" for Eldritch Princess get +2 Love +2 Wealth


  • Fixed "King" Accessory giving Life Steal even without points spent in Love
  • Removed Status tab from Menu
  • Fixed weird slimes having normal dialogues in the Slime Pool
  • Fixed some events placement around the Clocktown
  • Fixed Poison Res. not showing in the Level Up menu after being fed the "Floral Tea" item
  • Fixed rain onset after resting inside Little Mice Inn
  • Fixed mismatched cat Progeny expressions
  • Fixed depositing Progeny in the Daycare not healing their status afflictions
  • Fixed additional party members in REMIX Mode not starting at full HP/MP
  • Fixed Crystal Lizard magic possibly lowering HPs to 0
  • Fixed being able to rest in Rabbit's Inn for free
  • Fixed some Sakari dialogue checks
  • Fixed huge-sized Oni NPCs sprites
  • Fixed Reined Ride not sealing the Head slot of the equipment
  • Fixed Acid Armor sealing the Head slot of the equipment
  • Fixed Beach minigame end bugging if the player was underwater at the time


Make sure this is the only .rvdata2 file inside the "Patches" folder!


  • Fixed "Lucky Charm" Skill bonus stacking up
  • Slightly reduced Mermaid/Finhead war tendencies
  • Fixed random freezes on Progeny deliveries
  • Fixed Skeleton Progeny born from "The Death Not" not getting Skills
  • Fixed "Prince Knight" Trait giving Magic Silk dialogue prompts
  • Fixed Depositing/Withdrawing Progeny with stat altering Skills from Dear Daycare getting buggy stats
  • Fixed Gravelord Skeleton Progeny being always female
  • Fixed the Player getting stuck in the "renaming" dialogue loop when fetching an egg before Dear's presentation has happened
  • Fixed Bird Princess not showing delivery and aphrodisiac balloons around the Campsite
  • Fixed Cat Progeny deliveries possibly showing the text of its string
  • Fixed selling a Progeny to the goblins possibly canceling its Skill




so doesn't have anything to do with the last update but i noticed that the free coupons for fauns tavern don't actually work. it takes the coupon and swirlies