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Heya! Current line:

  • [Akai] Bird NPCs
  • [Moonie] Slime CG Remake
  • [Akai] Moth Princess
  • [???] Rabbit Princess (last month's winner)

We'll be rolling in new animations for Princesses, let's keep at it!

This time, only a selection of Princesses with 2/3 animations in their normal form!


Crypt Bandito

Gotta go with the thiccness that is human princess


Hoping for Ghost but I wouldn’t mind more Moth or Finhead.

Falken Night

Can’t say no to Human Princess in my mind. (Moth Princess is adorable so she’s also very acceptable)

Potato King

Moar insect booty


Strong Moth! Leading with 47,7% (including Voting Power)