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Let's start with the fixes! We want P&C squeaky clean to leave Early Access and resume making additions to its marvelous, polished, chiseled, RPG Maker body.



Additions and Changes:

  • Cat X Human Princess NSFW Animation #1 added
  • Moss Princess NSFW Animation #2 added
  • Added a sexy Kobold Maid in the Kobold Fortress, during the Intro


  • Added a script that fixes mismatched Progeny body type/gender
  • Added a script that re-randomize Progeny that ended up with broken/not working assets
  • Fixed "non Heir" Progeny deliveries always adding a broken Progeny into Dear's Box
  • Fixed crashing Status Screen when Reigns end up having negative Army/Wall scores
  • Fixed Progeny not keeping their special custom hair/color when recruited
  • Fixed buggy Harvest/Insect overworld map units
  • Fixed Cat Princess first Campsite "attack" not progressing the game events to the next day
  • Fixed the Crystal Lizard cave. You can now enter it and break crystals when the quest isn't active
  • Fixed Insect Princess THICC form missing the naked portrait
  • Fixed game crashing when wearing Green Deceit after in a battle for the "De Profundis" quest
  • Fixed Kobold Princess wandering around too far in the first Campsite scene, during the Intro
  • Fixed various typos and minor bugs



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