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Hey sport! 'Tis that time o' the month!

Ye got yer Arcane Warrior,

and your Nurse Rabbits last month, aye?

Ready for 'nother round of the good ol' voting thing?


Every Patron can propose (as a comment in here):

-1 Costume for an existing race (Skeleton+ tier will vote) 

-1 NPC idea to pitch (Queen tier will vote) 

We want ( I NEED ) your ideas! Protip: keep the comments short!



Steve The Kobold

Dragon hoodie for kobolds, and a Skeleton Cat for an ally NPC


Old School PC skin for Golems, Senile Lich who teleports the Knight to a random kingdom (Results may vary.)

Billy Mays

If you aren't planning on doing this already you should have a nude thicc form for SkeletonP.

Billy Mays

You could add a costume for DogP that looks like Yuno from Future Diary just to be funny.


How about a Cupid costume for moths; halo, bow & arrow, diaper, etc.? As for a NPC, how about a lizard-woman looking for some fun, and will sell a random stock of semen for a high fee, or something.


Costume: zaku golemp. Npc: a seal. Maybe has an axe.


what about some kind of nocturnal npc? hides during the day. that'd be a change of pace.


Costume: Mobile Turret for Wyvern. NPC: Cookie a white and black spotted momma doggo and her puppies.


Costume: Ann's Panther costume from Persona 5 for either Ghost or Car Princess. Npc: Stealing from the Discord, a CoinCoin pet that will boost the amount of Swirlies you get. Not just from enemies, from selling too. Maybe gives you discounts too?


Npc idea is a mole person that digs a short cut to the underground kingdoms.


Costume: Magical girl outfit for harvest princess. NPC: Clown dryder in the sewers. Will start conflict in different kingdoms, unless you give them progeny.

Evil Tim

Costume: A Siren from Azur Lane for FinheadP. NPC: A wandering Wendigo that will occasionally dig up bone piles for you to search for rare loot/bone parts.


Costume: Fairy - Tiddy leather belt and hip leather belt, tight with overflow. NPC - Warlock that hire mercenaries for any race, rare mercs could be cool too., warlock pulls the new merc out of a portal in the bar.


I'm gonna go moth-themed on both suggestions. Costume: Winterwear for moths in the far north, with winter coats, scarves, and hat bundling them up so much that they can barely be seen under it all. NPC: An undead moth husk who can only be found at night in deserted places, she will trade the player sleep powder in exchange for 10 butterflies. If she is who Trevor gets his supply from, I have to imagine him chasing after butterflies and the thought makes me chuckle.

Rush S. Moonshine

Costume: Roll Casket (Mega Man Legends) costume for Mouse Princess.

Rush S. Moonshine

NPC: Still gonna go with my Kitsune idea. A fox shrine maiden who crushes on the knight with a curvaceous figure.


Maid outfits for dragon/wyvern


NPC a mermaid songstress who sells a portable jukebox item and songs for it.


Frankenstein Skeleton Princess Npc, possessed cadaver where you pick up the Quest to get all the fleshy bits for Skeleton P's Costume.

Zay Bee

NPC Idea: A tough-but-cute tomboy blacksmith who sells weapons and armor.

Viewtiful Roy

Pirate outfit for slime princess

Viewtiful Roy

Npc femboy goblin in a belly dance outfit being daring during the day


Costume: Mecha form for dragon/wyvern. (using golem core) NPC: Recruitable Shark/Hammerhead Hairstylist.


Outfit: A pearl outfit( not the SU character, but an actual pearl) for Crystal Princess. Trade her rough crystal body for a smooth, curvy, pearl-white body.

Cmdr. Keen

Costume: A roman toga. Maybe with laurel wreath too. NPC: A male, traveling merchant that reminds by appearance of a hunchback Slightly pale green face, crooked nose, wart with hair on it, yellow spots in the face, unhealthy (fake impression) appearance, worn, brown coat, a rope for an belt with a coin satchel on it. Good hearted, trustworthy and friendly nature. Cities do not like to let him in because of his appearance. Sells items that some shun for their "disreputable" nature... sex toys (for princesses / and Anon), that will later be integrated into the game.


For a new outfit idea, how about a pirate outfit for the Finhead race?


how about if amelie could have one of those 'mmo rpg scantily clad armor trope' with the quote "how is this suppose to protect me!?" but it's basically a chain mail bikini.


Need teacher outfits for Dragons. And How about a piggy npc that sells some nice fatty foods in the north


Npc: A recruit-able Full package futanari Princess to add to party.