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Time to unleash THICCness (and more)!


Additions and changes:

  • Feeding System is now live! Calories! Metabolism! 
  • Diaries upgraded with a weighing scale (in kilos!)
  • Faun's Tavern can be used to keep your Princesses well fed (for a price)
  • THICC form for Kobold Princess added
  • THICC form for Human Princess added
  • THICC form for Slime Princess added
  • THICC form for Golem Princess added
  • THICC form for Insect Princess added
  • THICC form for Skeleton Princess (human form) added
  • THICC form for Desert Princess added
  • THICC form for Ghost Princess added
  • THICC form for Goblin Princess added
  • THICC form for Moth Princess added
  • THICC form for Cat Princess added
  • THICC form for Dog Princess added
  • THICC form for Mouse Princess added
  • THICC form for Rabbit Princess added
  • THICC form for Harvest Princess (causes swith to female) added
  • THICC form for Wyvern Princess added
  • THICC form for Finhead Princess added
  • Added "THICC" Achievement
  • Added "Maximum Chub" Achievement
  • 60 old and new items are now categorized as "Food"
  • Reworked and balanced every "Food" item effect and price
  • New item added! Pumpkin Pie 
  • New item added! Strawberry Creampie 
  • New item added! Chocolate Whoopie-Pie 
  • New item added! Rabbit Sangaree 
  • New item added! Chateau Lapin
  • New item added! Dippy Fries 
  • New item added! Spooky Sushi 
  • New item added! Chilled Wisps 
  • New item added! Spicy Mansaf 
  • New knight trait added! Traveling Chef
  • Kobold NPCs (male) NSFW animation #1 added
  • Kobold NPCs are now more frequent around the Kingdom (regardless of being in the Princess' route)
  • Kobold males can be found in the Stone Knife (the Brothel) now
  • Creamy & Emi can now be found around the Kingdom (at Lewdness > 50)


  • Climate changes now work correctly when resting in the various Inns around the Kingdom
  • Dead bandit sprites not matching the "living" ones
  • Party limit (of 4) breaking when refusing to deposit the 5th in the Tavern
  • Windmill door glitches
  • Hammerhead port overlay glitches
  • Sieges on Hammerhead Port glitching
  • Missing dialogues in Diamond Seashell
  • Party Poppers not poping
  • Ghost Princess refusing Frog Princess Water normally
  • Finhead Princess always being shown in the Campsite after the first night
  • Finhead NPCs not centered in the Level Up menu
  • Passability issues in Sunken Ruins
  • Moving underwater between the Oasi and Lamia Sanctuary causing the Knight to drown if not equipping water-breathing gear
  • Breeding Contract (Rabbit) now works as intended
  • Finhead Maid costume headpiece placing
  • Nun Agathe fight starting even when she's in peaceful mode
  • Tiles not walkable as intended in Mimic's boss room
  • Crashes during special delivery events (Kobold in her room, Skeleton in Old Church…)
  • Various typos and minor bugs

I'm preparing a  THICC mechanics section in our Wiki, check it in a few hours.


 ⚠️ Make sure there's only one patch file (this one) in the folder ⚠️ 


03022020 hotfix

  • No more multiple feather drops from King Cucco and Queen Cocca
  • Merchant Princess not going to Diamond Seashell when sent there
  • Faun Princess not feeding enough the Princesses you leave in her care
  • Random Finhead Princess possibly having male body type
  • Wyvern and Finhead Courtesan costumes description
  • Crash in Rabbit Garderie
  • Wrong Lump on a Stick obtained from Magic Silk
  • Other typos and minor issues

05022020 hotfix

  • Wrong Lump on a Stick obtained from Magic Silk AND cheats
  • Crash during dialogue with the sailor at the Cat Docks
  • Hunters Terrace male kobold lewd dialogues not working
  • Sprite Reloader not working on classic princesses
  • Chiseled Crab fight not starting correctly if running past the triggering tiles
  • Other typos and minor issues

06022020 hotfix

  • Big fixes thrown at stat allocations for newborn Progeny
  • Creamy & Emi staircase passability issues
  • Finhead NPCs sprite in Tavern and Campsite not loading correctly
  • Komachi now only accepts Lump on a Stick to stop her hunger permanently
  • Other typos and minor issues




Im struggling to be able to download it tbh

Jordan Hill

Candy bar not working properly


normal "patch2" crashed at the start of a new game, make sure you DL "patch2fixed" from above here.

Bernardo Fernandez

Im having problems saving the game it displays an error sound and i cant save in any solt


Make sure there's a "Saves" folder in your game's main directory!