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It takes balls to go back on your decisions. Bravo.


Patreon on Twitter

Creators & patrons: We've heard you loud and clear. We're sorry, and we're not rolling out the fees change. https://t.co/Fq7v5D1wkY



I'm not sure if this was balls as much as it was a survival move. There were a LOT of creators that said they'd be moving to Drip as soon as it was released to the public if the fee change went through.


Yeah i share that opinion. It's probably only a short victory.


glad :), now on with the making of content :)


I think so as well, but I still have to congratulate them for going back on their decision. I know a lot of companies that wouldn't give a damn about it.


what is Drip? is it worth looking at?


Drip is basically Kickstarter's version of Patreon. A subscription based crowdfunding type thing. To my knowledge it is an invite only phase at the moment, not something that the public has access to yet.