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This week was TIRING, but it doesn't mean I stopped working or anything like that!

That's why I bring you: Eloping!

  • Princesses can now leave their thrones if you have at least 3 "hearts" with them and if they have a Heir ready to replace them.
    The Princess will follow you and from that point onward the Heir will take her place (male or female, it doesn't matter)!

    This feature wasn't originally planned, but after all the requests I couldn't do much but implement it. That's why you should definitely keep sending your ideas in our general direction!

    This has been a lot of work, but I'm really glad it's here! I love it when 2 features complement eachother so well (like making heirs <-> hiring princesses without their reigns falling).
  • The Clocktown, the Rocky Tunnels leading there and the Clocktower are ready! You'll need to cross the mice town if you want to go from the Northern to the Southern region and vice versa.
  • A new step to kobold's route has been added! I'd have liked to add a second one but there's not enough time~
    I'll have it ready for the next release, together with the ending!
  • 3 more 10$ NPCs have been added to the Tavern!

I was about to publish the post, then I thought it might be fun to use this weekly post to unveil little secrets you'd hardly find by yourself in the game!

This week's tip: You knew that by giving gears to the rusty golem you can "program" it into a merchant or a blacksmith? Well, now you do!



so with eloping,i take you can impregnate princesses while there still in charge?


Yes, actually you can already do that in v0.12.6! The Heir just stands in their room though.


i think there an issue that prevents me from playing more, when i save and "shutdown" and open the game again the save is gone


Is it possible you moved your folder to Program Files or such? If you don't run the game in Admin mode, then the game won't be able to create any saves. So you'll have to either run it in Admin mode or move the folder to your Documents or such.


Any future ways to elope with dragon princess? &lt;3