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Now with a fully-working clock!
Beware though, the place will be full of mice!

Since now the new maps are dealt with I'll start working tomorrow on the "Successions"!
The time of reigns falling before you can recruit a new party member will soon be over, making peaceful playthroughs finally a viable option!

Akai should have the first animations for the kobolds ready by next week! We'll start with 1 for anal and 1 for vaginal sex and work things out from there!
After them it will be the turn of the goblins (5 damn votes more than the succubi)!




This is lovely. Kind of a random question though... When this game is finally finished, are cheats still going to be in it? Or is that purely a 'for testing' thing?


That's a good questions. I don't like cheat myself, but I guess I'll be leaving them in for whoever just wants to get to the "good stuff" as fast as possible.


What does the love and lust do for heirs


New animations? Hell yeah, can't get enough of those. =>


Okay Towerfag, your next objective is to give us all a time machine so we can warp into the future when you've finished things. =P


I think I've found my new favorite location.