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I just realized I forgot to the request poll thing for June. For that I am very sorry.

Around a month ago my mom suffered from a stroke, and if some of you followed me on the BtK discord, you'd know that my family and I found out recently that my mom have cancer. I just haven't really been myself since we were told about it by the doctor. Ever since then I've been reading up a lot on the subject, so much so I ignored about everything else. 

I didn't feel like announcing it since it felt like it could make the cancer 'real', if that make any sense. But I guess the cancer is real, regardless of what I make of it. 

But enough about that. Moving on, I'll do a quick request submission period for 3 days, and then the poll for a day after that. 

As always, thank you for supporting me!


Richard Hardslab

Real life happens, and when it happens to family it is incredibly significant. I hope things go as well can they can despite the news

Thomas Hahn

I'm so sorry to hear that, and hope your Mom is doing alright and that she gets well. It's incredibly hard. Take case of yourself first, and if you want make some funny or cute things, that's a bonus.


We like your work, and everyone here is literally supporting you. Best wishes!