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I am discontinuing the sketch requests starting next month. This month will be the last one. It will be on indefinite hiatus until I can finish all the piled up requests from previous months.

The patron tiers will still be there since I don't know if they will automatically put you in the lower available tiers, or just keep you stuck in that tier if I just remove it, so its best you change it to a different tier yourself.

The changes only applies to $15, $10, $5 tiers.

The reason for this change is that I could not draw as long and often as I could have before. I have pain in my thumb knuckle that just won't go away. I was advised to keep it rested, but at this point I think this is just something that I have to live with forever.

I apologize for letting the requests piled up for as long as it did. I will try my best to get it cleared.

All the sketches that will eventually be drawn will be posted on my discord server.

Thank you all for your continued support!



Sorry about your pain, please rest and recover 🫂

Thomas Hahn

Feel better, don't overexert yourself, and thanks for all the great stuff!