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I'm gonna try this again but hopefully this time actually hold myself to it :)

The things I worked on this week

This week was a clean-up week for me - I had one last commission to finish that I was very behind on, and a bunch of ideas bouncing around my head for what's next.

Space Doggo

The initial lines for the commission in question for CoffeeDog of his wolf OC, Kat.

The initial colours and some light shading/bg. I had some issues figuring out the bg for this one, but some close friends came in clutch with some interior spaceship sci-fi environment suggestions and references. 😎

And the final image. I'm real proud of this one. I feel like my simpler, flatter shaded style is starting to finally come together in a way that I really enjoy - in both process and final result :D

also she's really pretty I love her


My first two attempts in trying to get into the habit of sketching DAILY. I've never been good at sketching but I'd like to be. Expect to see some physical medium (paper, pen, pencil) show up eventually too :D

This is part of a big overarching attempt to build on my fundamentals. Expect to see a lot of perspective, value, anatomy, technique/style, and composition studies.

A Garden Meeting

My half of an art trade with Sayna Jaye! The concept is a garden meeting between our OCs. I'm trying something different with this piece and working back-to-front in a way - I'm getting the background down almost entirely before I touch the characters to any greater degree in hopes it will help me ground the two of them in the scene better.

I also poked around a different style of colouring that I picked up from Marc Brunet, which is painting and shading in greyscale first and then applying gradient maps (with a variety of masks) to the greyscale layer to colour it in. I've used gradient maps plenty over the years but not usually in this way so it was fun to try something new. I don't think it's something i'll use to colour entire images with, but to very quickly and easily adjust colours to specific parts of the image it's definitely a keeper.

The Big One - the next YCH

My next big project that I could be going completely overboard with - Vae's beach party. Above is the initial sketch of the concept I had in mind. My last YCH went way better than expected but I still wanted to find ways to improve it if I were to attempt it again. The idea here was to include a few more slots (7~8) but also have a few of those slots be cheaper to be more inclusive.


I went nuts. I'm still poking away at this so not everything is 100% set in stone, but I'm going VERY AMBITIOUS with this one (maybe a little too ambitious). The goal is to shove as many charr into one image as I can possibly manage. I hope y'all will like the final result, I can't wait to have it fully realised :D

As usual you can find more frequent updates and more content on Discord

Thanks for reading if you got this far, see you next week



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