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I'm going to have a ton of swag stuff at the Authors and Dragons Convention in Portland, August 11-13th. Here are images of everything so far!

Come and look for me if you're around!

There's a big backdrop banner, a six-foot retractable banner of Sam, table signs, a couple types of bookmarks, some really cool translucent color vellum inserts of Sam to go inside books, GOAF pens, business cards, and more.

I'll also have paperbacks to sign, and I'll stick the bookmarks and vellum inserts in with each one.

Patreon is releasing some new updates soon and it might be easier to send out merch and swag from here, so keep an eye out if you like these things. I'll try to make a swag tier in the future and add more stuff.

I'm considering stickers, coffee mugs, maybe a Sam plushie if I can find someone to make them, and so on.

If it doesn't work out on here, I'll run a Kickstarter for a full box set of paperbacks/hardbacks at some point, with swag tiers, once this big first arc for Aster Fall is done (7+ books).

And alright, now I'll get on with that next chapter release. :)



David Carr

Where in Portland will this be?

David Carr

Cool!!! I have the day off one of those days, so should be able to head up. Only an hour and change away.


I think they have day passes for the con for $20. Not sure on what the access will be like overall. Hope to see you if you can make it.