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We haven't done a game in a while, so here's a chance to name Altey's birthday present!

Put your idea in the comments here and I'll take those options and do a real poll for it in a day or two. Then you can vote on your favorites.

It just has to fit the world theme.


Til Weisheit

The "Orb of Pondering"? (Only half serious, as a nod to the pondering the orb meme)

Kimberly Heckendorf

Can it speak? Will it have personality? She could ask it what it wants to be called. or she could name it a common name like George or Jane so it is more of a friend rather than magic computer ball that she has no emotion invested in.


It's able to speak and have a personality, yep. It'll develop over time, once she chooses a name and idea for it.