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In a slightly different universe, here's some fantastic art of Sam. 

Some folks wanted a younger-looking version of him that was nice and handsome, so here it is! 

His Charisma is out of this world and condenses as the Void on his hand.

I think I'll call it "Tiny Titan."




Cool art. I'm one of the ppl who said the other pic of Sam looked to old. This seems to match his age better. I like the pic with the gold skin and claws more though. Seems more titanesq lol. So this version of Sam is he supposed to be a titan also or something else?


If your going to get some more art done you should think about having a versions of Sam art done. Like when he was human then deamon, hunter, titan, etc. Would bee cool to see. All next to eachother.


He's still a Titan here, but in a more human form, so shapeshifted to be that way basically. No talons or vertical pupils, but he keeps the horns.