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I'll be aiming for 3x chapters a week here, starting in this last week of February. 

Let's do it!

I have lots of plans for cool things in this third book, but I won't spoil them by hinting at them right now. They'll come to life on their own. If there's anything you "really" hope to see, leave a comment and let me know. I might be able to work something in.

Things at home are slowly calming down and falling into a more regular schedule. My daughter is almost five months old now. 

She's extremely cute and likes to babble, chew on a yellow giraffe, pet the dog, and giggle, which is so bubbly and cute that you can't help but laugh back and toss her in the air, which makes her do it again.  :) 


James Squibb

Love it! We are expecting our first at the beginning of April!