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Hi All,

So, February will be a free renewal again. I’m working on Aster Fall 3, and chapters will come out as soon as possible. Hopefully, Chapter 1 will be out in a couple of days and then more as I get into the swing of things.

Our baby daughter is almost four months old, which is what’s taking up most of my time, but it‘s fun and it will balance out soon enough.

May or June remains the target for a finished Book 3.

Audiobook for Aster Fall 2 will happen as soon as possible, but is dependent on Travis’s schedule and if he can work it in. Hopefully, sometime in the next 2-3 months, although it could be sooner or later.

I have a couple of codes left (1 US and a bunch of UK) for Battlefield Reclaimer. Leave a message if you‘d like one.



Talen Drake

1 for US please


Would love a US if there still is one!


All out for now, but if the ones I sent don't get redeemed soon, I'll shoot one your way.