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The plateau was a circle roughly a mile across. Its edges ended in steep cliffs with no visible trail to the layer below, which was half a mile down in a nearly straight line. The only way Sam could imagine getting off the plateau and back on was teleportation or flying.

Had the builders been able to fly?

On top of that, the edge of the plateau was marked with a translucent silver-green barrier, one that stopped his hand when he touched it.

“How am I supposed to get down from here?” he muttered as he examined it, testing to see how dense it was. This had to be what kept monsters and everyone else away from the plateau, unless something else was going on.

This barrier is the control pillar’s primary ward, the Guardian Star spoke up. The central plateau holds the connections for enchantments throughout the Moonlight Relic and is off-limits to all but the controllers.

“So how did it get damaged?” Sam asked, grumbling. “Outsiders made it up here?”

Evidence suggests so. The ward must have failed. Leaving the central plateau is simple. Some functions of the Moonlight Relic still exist. Touch the shield and envision where you wish to descend.

“What do you mean...can it teleport me?” Sam asked, as he considered how large the ruins were. The trap had brought him up here, so it clearly had some level of enchantment for that.

The Moonlight Relic was built as a spatial ward. It is heavily enchanted for spatial transfer, but the function is limited to areas of the ruins that are fully repaired and not currently near a Flaw.

“Can it send me to my father?” Sam asked, his eyebrows rising.

Negative. The area is damaged and too close to a Flaw. Transfer to the layer directly below the central plateau is the most efficient in terms of energy. It is the most intact. Other areas of the ruins may be possible once repairs are made. Nearly every section is damaged in some way.

Sam frowned as he looked through the barrier, examining the layer half a mile below. After a moment, he found a clear spot and fixed his attention on it.

Initializing Transfer. The Guardian Star’s voice was authoritative. He felt energy flowing from it as it interacted with the relic, and then three strands of moonlight wrapped around him in a spiral and the world around him blurred.

There was a wash of blue, green, and purple that lasted for a blink of time, and then he was in a different place, standing on top of new snow as buildings rose up all around him. These buildings were mostly intact, far more than the tumbled stones that had been rebuilt for the others.

Whatever battle had destroyed the ruins, someone must have come along later and tried to rebuild it by putting the stones back, but without the enchantments, it hadn’t worked. They must not have been the original builders.

What had happened to them?

To claim ownership of the relic, he needed the permission of Caelus, Silvas, and Amaris...but those were the moons. Perhaps the original builders had shared the same names?

He shook his head as he pushed the questions aside and looked around the area, examining this layer of the ruins. The building in front of him was two stories tall with a windswept style. There was a slightly arched roof with edges that curled upward rather than ending in a straight line.

The door was ten feet tall, much larger than normal for a human house, and there were tall, thin windows set around the outside of the building, which were covered over by a translucent crystal.

Curiosity got the better of him and he walked in, looking around the building. The first story was divided into one large open area with a large backroom and two smaller chambers, one of which was a washroom, if the basin in it was any indication.

The upper floor was divided into five smaller chambers, which might have once been bedrooms, and a larger gathering room at the back. Several of the windows were broken, letting in drifts of snow and a chill wind, but the remaining windows let in a lively green light that reminded him of a spring day.

The crystal the windows were made from had the same green tint. When he placed his hand on one, it drew mana from him and released a warm breeze that drove away some of the chill in the air. On a closer look, many of the areas of the home had enchantments laid into the stone, from the fireplace to the doors on the bedrooms.

“No wonder people come here to study enchantments,” he said, shaking his head. “Even the houses are covered in them.”

The first layer was reserved for high-ranking individuals, including the families of the controllers, the Guardian Star informed him. Visitors were not allowed on this layer, as it is too close to the central plateau. Dignitaries were received on the second layer, which is larger and contains guest quarters. It is a quarter mile below this one. Each layer had its own defensive ward, but now only the one on the central plateau remains.

Sam held back his surprise as he listened. It seemed the star had gained a lot of information from the relic when it accessed it, including this new sense of personality.

Had it seen all 162,000 years? If so, how could it not have formed some type of identity…and maybe it would actually be helpful now, unlike before when he’d had to force it to even scan the area around him.

Sam looked around the building with a thoughtful expression before he turned and left. The world must have been very different when this was new. What had it been like? And more than that...perhaps once they took care of the Outsiders, this could be a place to stay.

He had access to the formations here, even if it was limited, and he could set up a workshop to study and repair this place. Doing that would teach him plenty about the enchantments, which was why he’d originally come here.

He could make things for sale in Highfold and his family would have the convenience and protection of the wards. If he could repair some of the formations and get the teleportation working...they could come and go from here, and maybe even have defenses to keep out trouble.

But that’s a thought for another day. First, he needed to deal with the threats and make sure that the Flaws were sealed.

“Are you able to find the closest monsters and Outsiders in this area?” he asked as he looked down at the star. “And can you send me back up to the plateau the same way?”

Transfer to the central plateau is possible from the inner edge of this layer. You will have to return here first and not be in combat. Teleporting during combat requires more energy and the relic will reject it. The Moonlight Relic is barely functioning and you do not have the authority to draw from its energy reserves. You are only able to access the operating enchantments.

On this layer, the closest monsters are two Level 65 arctic cave trolls half a mile to the east. Within a two-mile radius, there are 11 other monsters, 32 beasts, and 6 Outsiders. Levels range from 56 to 85. Some of the beasts have been attracted by the mana density here and taken up residence.

A map of the nearest enemies sprang into Sam’s mind as the Guardian Star highlighted where they were. There was a mix of monsters, including arctic cave trolls, strange crystalline serpents that looked like moving ice sculptures, several ice wyverns, many scattered beasts, and two trios of Icebloods who were slowly moving through the ruins as if they were searching for something.

Sam studied the map as his eyes narrowed. The first layer was on a slope that circled the peak of Sun’s Rest, creating a ring about a mile wide. The distance around it was close to seven miles. The monsters and the Outsiders were scattered around with plenty of room in between.

His fangs glinted behind a grim smile as he memorized their places and then ducked into the building behind him. A healing scroll appeared in his hand. The area around here was filled with challenges.

He just needed to make a few preparations and then the hunt would begin.


Light, powdery snow drifted through the air and settled onto Sam’s shoulders as he leaned around a stone pillar, examining the trolls in front of him. They were bigger than the arctic cave trolls that had attacked the Ice Sylph village and he spent longer studying them than he usually did with monsters.

At the moment, they were fighting over the corpse of a large Cloud-Striped Snow Leopard they had killed, tearing at it and each other at the same time. They were hulking, white-skinned monstrosities with muscles that bulged into hideous contortions of veins and sinews.

Their jaws were wider and longer than the rest of their head, filled with fangs half a foot long, giving them a strange, triangular appearance, and they had long, drooping ears that nearly touched their shoulders.

Their arms dragged on the ground, ending in gnarled, oversized hands tipped with sharp claws. All over their skin, there was a sparse white and blue fur that acted as camouflage and perhaps defense.

He was confident in attacking them, but he was still hesitating as he considered what felt different about this battle. It took him a moment to realize what it was.

It had been a long time since he was on his own while fighting. Or perhaps he never really had been. His father had always been around, or at least nearby, for every battle since he unlocked his class, except for the fight with Lenei, and that time his mother had rushed out.

It was isolating, but at the same time he felt a strange sense of freedom. With no one around, he didn’t need to hide his appearance or conceal the battlelust that sang out from his essence.

His blood echoed with a thunderous resonance as he looked toward the trolls, his expression changing as he let himself relax for the first time, sinking into the feeling.

Crystal flame spiraled across his body as his battle aura surged outward, his claws lengthening. A cloak of crystal flame swept back from his shoulders, its edges burning away in translucent streams.

Chunks of ice, flurries of snow, and blades of wind began to form in the air around him as Elemental Manipulation joined in, pulling on the elements.

The trolls were immensely strong for their size, but they didn’t have time to see the blur of sapphire blue light that shot towards them until it was too late. Long, curving talons like crystal sabers tore through their skin, slashing across their necks and abdomens.

Then the blur was gone, leaving behind a glowing, blue-white sphere with a star rune burning at its heart that slowly fell to the ground between the two trolls.

One of them reached out to grab it with an angry roar that echoed around the area, but as it slammed into the sphere, the blue layers only collapsed inward toward the rune. The resulting explosion covered both trolls in an expanding wave of liquid starfire.

Their skin crisped, darkening in an instant as the blast washed over them, and they let out howls of pain and fury, which were cut short a moment later as a figure wrapped in crystal flames flew between them, slashing out again and again.

Sprays of white-green blood flew out behind each cut, burning away in crackling explosions as it touched the flames in the air. Chunks of stone, ice, and wind blades sliced around the slashing figure in arcs, slamming into the trolls and tearing at them.

Sam’s fangs were bared and his face was hard as essence poured out of him into the aura, intensifying his strength. His essence stars burned with explosive force as his blood demanded vengeance and conquest.

His claws ripped through the troll’s stomachs, sliced across their legs, severed their arms, and then finally slashed across their throats as their heads tumbled to the ground. The pieces burned with flame, searing away any regeneration that they might have.

A moment later, he stood over the corpses, glaring down at them as he felt his essence hit 25%. His breath came in short, sharp hisses as a growl rumbled from his lungs.

Despite that, he felt tension draining out of his body as if a cork had been pulled, ebbing away until he was calm and focused. Satisfaction tingled across his skin. He took a deep breath and let it out again. Then he scanned the area for other enemies before he let the battle aura fade away.

The next closest enemies are four local beasts, Diamondfang Ice Vipers, levels 56 to 59. They have established a lair inside one of the old buildings. There was no trace of judgment in the Guardian Star’s voice for how he had killed the trolls. It was only suggestive, pointing him toward the next target.

Once this area is clear, you should visit the closest supply point to see what resources remain. It may be possible to repair some of this section of the relic. The formation in that area is damaged, so I cannot see inside.

“Let me gather the experience from these,” he replied as he took another breath and reached down to touch the corpses. The shimmering chime of experience rang in his mind as he pulled the threads of energy from the corpses.

Congratulations, Battlefield Reclaimer. You have used your Class skills to slay your enemies.

You gain 1,023,550 Class experience.

You have gained two Class Levels. You are now a Level 64 Battlefield Reclaimer.

Total Class Experience: 9,868,490 / 10,240,000

You have gained two General Levels. You are now Level 64.

Total General Experience: 9,901,740 / 10,240,000

You gain +2 Intelligence, +2 Aura, and have six free attribute points to assign.

The experience rushed through him in a surge of relaxing energy and Sam let out another deep breath. It was more experience than he’d expected, even though these trolls had been Level 65. It looked like hunting alone was effective.

He hesitated for a moment and then he put all six of the free points into Wisdom, to help with collecting auras. The attribute rose to 61. Four more and it should maximize his chance with advanced auras. As he finished, the Guardian Star spoke up.

Merging with the Moonlight Relic has given me access to its observations of the World Core over the millenia. The World Core continues to support your efforts and is assigning extra experience for your battles near the Grand Flaw.

However, the experience transfer from high-level enemies is very limited. You have gathered 5% of the experience from these trolls. In a normal situation, you would receive a tenth of that. The rest is diverted to the management of the Seal.

Sam nodded as he collected the auras from both of the trolls. He already had a few of the basic version, and the Auras of Enduring Stone (Advanced) swirled past his senses with the echo of oppressive, ancient weight.

The Diamondfang Ice Vipers are 0.6 miles to the northwest. The main supply point for the First Layer is 2.1 miles north of that, most of the way around the ring on the north side.

“Understood,” Sam replied as he looked up from the trolls and scanned the area around him. He would have been covered in blood if not for his crystal flames. He located the vipers on the map and then looked for other enemies in the area, plotting out a path.

If he took time to rest between each fight, he wasn’t sure how long it would take him to clear this layer, but if everything went well, perhaps he could finish it in a couple of days.

So far, there was no new word from the church forces, which meant his father was in the same location. Jeric had organized the adventurers and started to clear out monsters near the old temple, pulling them back in small groups. If it came down to it, they needed to make sure they could succeed on their own, rather than relying on the church.

When the path between the enemies was clear, he turned toward the vipers, his form blurring as he blended in with the snow and ice, slipping through the ruins.

Elemental Manipulation was helping him to use his Initiate of Ice trait. He was able to pull the snow around himself like a cloak, clearing his path and concealing himself from casual sight. He drifted across the snow like a frozen leaf, his footsteps barely leaving a mark.


The Diamondfang Ice Vipers were elegant and vicious, even in death. They were nearly two dozen feet of coiled muscle and triangular, wedge-shaped heads. Their scales were white and pale green, and their fangs were translucent, green crystal with hollow veins inside for venom.

He stood over them with his battle aura swirling as he looked down at their scattered corpses. He was covered in abrasions and slash marks from their strikes and where they had tried to coil around him. They’d been a much more dangerous fight than the trolls, mostly due to their speed.

The one that had coiled around him was lying in a dozen pieces all around, its white-green scales shattered. It was torn into chunks from where he’d savaged it with his claws.

Perhaps he should have used his bracer or more long-range skills, but...there was something deeply satisfying about facing his enemies with his bare hands and battle aura. He would have to be careful to judge his battles, so that he didn’t get in over his head.

It was clear to him now that his transformation and essence both had given him a taste for blood and battle. It was something he was becoming more comfortable with, but not something he wanted to show his family.

The isolation was a chance to explore that side of things and to learn how to balance it. He bared his fangs in a savage grin and stretched his arms upwards, feeling the smooth play of muscles beneath his skin as he let the feeling wash over him.

Guardian’s mental state is stable, the Guardian Star advised, but requires observation.

Sam chuckled at it, pushing the statement aside as he pulled out a healing scroll and activated it, letting the white energy boil through his wounds. He knew that essence was more chaotic than either pure aura or mana, but he didn’t feel like it was changing him.

No more than it already had.

When he was done, he bent down and collected the experience.

Congratulations, Battlefield Reclaimer. You have used your Class skills to slay your enemies.

You have gained 741,500 Class Experience. You are now a Level 65 Battlefield Reclaimer.

Total Class Experience: 10,609,990 / 11,250,000

You are now General Level 65.

Total General Experience: 10,642,740 / 11,250,000

You gain +1 Aura and +1 Intelligence and have three free attribute points to distribute.

The experience rushed through his blood as he assigned the three points to Wisdom. The Second Cliff at Level 66 was just ahead of him, but from the look of it, there was enough experience on this layer that he could move straight past it. He let out a deep breath and then turned to the task of harvesting the remains.

The vipers didn’t have an aura to claim, but their venom almost felt like one. Their fangs dripped with a pale green liquid that hummed with the sense of creeping ice that froze the bones and stopped the heart. Even in death, their eyes held a cold, watchful presence that tracked everything and waited, biding their time until they struck.

He shook his head as he extracted the fangs and then spent a little while skinning them and storing the materials away.

When he was done, he incinerated the rest and looked up at the snow that was always falling here. It would cover over the signs of the battle soon. Something about the ruins seemed to keep it from building up past a certain level, creating an eternal circle of ice up here where the heavens were cold and clear.

When he was done, he looked at the map and then ghosted away through the snow, heading for the storeroom the Guardian Star had mentioned.

It was time to see what it would take to repair these ruins and what the original builders had left behind.


James Squibb

I am pumped with the turn this took from being teleported away from friends and family. It is nice to see Sam begin to develop on his own and let loose a little bit.