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Just a quick post to let you all know that Book 1 is now available on Amazon Kindle Unlimited.

If you have a moment to leave a rating or review, it would always be appreciated.


Thanks so much, everyone!



Talen Drake

So I missed the epilogue to book one... Kinda upset that this was removed from Patreon after months of support. I have other authors I support, and haven't ever had this happen due to KU. In the worst case, they provided free copies of the finished eBook before removing content already paid for. There is only one other, who I am dropping this month, who regularly deletes content. Kinda miffed here. You put up warnings though, so I don't blame you as much as myself.


I’ll just email the ePub to you. It was up here for a week or so. Message me.


If anyone else who was here in August missed the ePub, let me know.

matticide FOWD

Aw i missed it too. I didn't realise there was an epub. Got the epilogue while it was up though