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Sam will be doing some training and crafting over the next bit, and of course, killing monsters. 

He'll be doing all of them to some extent, but the scenes can focus more attention on one part or another.

Where would you like to see the most attention, and which would be the most fun? 

Options below:



Feel free to leave other suggestions in the comments.


I've picked both Enchantment Progress and Illusion Amulet, as I feel he can combine those. I don't think there is much more Sam can do with the amulet right now, that he hasn't done so far. He needs to know more about enchanting in general for that. I think it would be interesting for Sam to work with mundane/low grade materials (enchanting wise) and only use his own mana and aura, without using any of the captured Aura's or the decent enchanting materials he has on him. Obviously there is very little he can do with a piece of ordinary rock or a stick of wood, but I think it might be useful for Sam to try and see how much he can squeeze out of things like that. Instead of spending hours making one high grade enchantment, he could practice by making a simple enchanted item every few minutes or so - you know, apprentice work, which in a way he still is. An example, that would also be of practical use, could be a fire starter stick of wood. Basically, a couple of seconds after it is triggered, it will start to burn for the few seconds that the stick will last. It wouldn't be of any use in a fight (except as a distraction), but it could be used to start campfires. As for the amulet, it might be helpful for Sam to work from the other direction first. If he intends to block, or at least alter the information revealed by Analyze, maybe he could try and create an item that lets someone use Analyze through it. Knowing how to make Analyze work, should help Sam figure out how to block it.


He should definitely experiment with the runes from the original amulet that he doesn't know. It could be pretty funny, depending on what happens.


Looks pretty clear so far. Ch 8 will have a focus on advancing his enchantments and the amulet. We'll see more of that and Crystal Flame in the future, as well as the other parts.


What Mc lacks the most is Shield breaker spell. He doesn't have designated spell thst Mc knows will be better than Blade or Arrows against enemy shield spells/skills Tbh it feels annoying whemc can do nothing against enemy shield other than spend all essence at once and hope for the best.


Crystal supposedly was better against energies than fire so maybe ceysralizing enemy shield? Fire that can stick to enemy shield and burn using energy inside the barrier. Or maybe something with both nature's of fire and crystal? Fire that crystalizes enemy shield by using enemy mana as source for crystallization just like fire burns using fuel as source? Such crystalized part of barrier would be more expensive in mana to get rid off and would be brittle since crystalized part is not reinforced with mana. Enemy caster would have to either overspend mana to repair armor that takes time or waste mana invested in existing shield to make a new one