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NorWesCon was a lot of fun.

I plan to do it again next year, but I think I might aim for a booth instead of a table, so there’s more room to set things out.

I met some people who had read the books (including one of the organizers of the con, which was neat), signed a bunch of things, dropped off a dozen books at the little free library for people to find by surprise (with bookmarks and vellum art inserts of Sam inside), picked up a pile of books from authors near me to check out, and all that good stuff.

I also need to get a giant banner that says “Hey, come this way!” so I can stick it at the end of the hall until they tell me to take it down.

I picked up some pretty cool dice and things to stick on my table, including a d20 that is actually a dice box. That’s the green-gold one on my table in one photo. The top of it slides off and you can put 15 or so dice inside.

There was a lot of neat stuff in the vendor room, and I wish I’d had more time to wander around and poke through it.

I added a random photo here of some decorative plum blossoms from my neighborhood, or at least I think that tree is supposed to be a plum. Either way, it’s neat!

Next chapter probably today. Back to it now.



Jonathan Walker

You never released the other chapters, but I definitely understand why


Still working on them. Ended up with two last week instead of the three I wanted. I just post them as I finish them. Going to try for three this week again, but we’ll see.


If you ever come to the northeast, I’m there!