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Hi everyone! I hope you're all having a great summer ~
It's time for an update post!


As I'm sure you all know by now, Star Guardian Orianna was a big success last month! It was the fastest I've ever had to make a cosplay of this complexity and while I lost a LOT of sleep over it, it was all worth it in the end. I couldn't have done it without all your guys' support so a big thank you for that! <3


Please note: you will only receive July rewards if you signed up before 1st August. If you signed up after this date then you will receive August rewards!

R/SR tiers (Star Guardian Orianna tutorial + patterns part 1): rewards have all been sent out! If you can't find them, please check your private messages on Patreon for the Google Drive link!

UR tier (Beach Mona photoset + prints): the rest of the images from the photoset are still going through some final edits, but should be ready to send out in a day or two! As for the prints from June/July, I'm heading to the post office this morning to send them out ^^


R/SR tiers (Star Guardian Orianna part 2 ball tutorial + patterns): I'm a bit behind on crafting and haven't actually started making the ball yet...but I'm hoping to start/finish it next week so don't worry, it's still happening!

UR tier (Beach Raiden photoset): I'm going to be dropping the first previews/selfies from this photoshoot over the next few days! I actually shot this alongside my Beach Mona last month and I've been keeping the footage from you guys this whole time hehe ~


Currently my upcoming cons are:

✫ Kitacon, UK (19th-21st August)

✫ MCM London, UK (28th-30th October)

✫ Anime Expo Ontario, California (12th-13th November)

There may be some extra events in between, but I haven't confirmed anything yet!


So far I've spent most of 2022 just doing back-to-back photoshoots/events and powering through one big crafting project onto the next one. From multiple photoshoot trips to Austria, working at conventions and huge builds like Boss Raiden and SG Orianna, I was left feeling really burnt out at the start of August. I've been taking things a bit more slowly this month just to allow myself to breathe and try to actually enjoy crafting again. I've also been working on some other things in the background related to my career/business that will hopefully set me up for some exciting things in future...


I'm still very much undecided on my next cosplay, but I'll be making a separate poll post after this one to hear your guys' thoughts!


Aaaand that's everything! Thank you guys as always for your incredible support. Right now, my Patreon community is as big as it's ever been and I can't believe how much we've all grown together! I hope you continue to enjoy all of my content and it means so much that you've chosen to support me ♡♡♡




My summer has been good so far, going abroad for the first time, for my first non-local con was a highlight for sure, with the only issue with it being I didn't actually end up meeting you there...which is something I probably brought up about... two times too many, at this point? So I'll stop now.😅 Especially since I had a blast anyway 😄 so happy that the Orianna was as successful as it was, adore the project, and everything it represents and showcases, you did an incredible job with it, and I'm so glad to see it recognised 😄Also, curious and hopeful about the behind the scenes thing, good luck with that! Love you and your cosplays so much, you're amazing 🥰