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Hey guys! I just wanted to let you know that tomorrow in the early morning, with my husband, we'll be going to our honeymoon for 1 week. We're going to Buenos Aires Argentina. :D

Sadly I can't bring my computer there (well, it's a pc, so it is hard XD) So I won't be able to have any finished colored drawings.

Of course I could never stay 1 week without drawing anything at all, or I would go crazy, so I'll bring my sketch book and I'll be uploading some sketches and linearts I do on it. But I won't be able to have anything digitally made till I get back on the 31th.

On other news, a friend lent me some videos of human anatomy, and I have been watching them these days, so I hope my anatomy will get better, and hopefully it will show on my next drawings!

Have a splendid week everyone, and don't hesitate to contact me if you need anything or have any doubts. I'll be happy to answer to you.  



How romantic!! Have a wonderful time you two! Sure you can draw ,but take care of your man, mister! ;-)