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 I wanted to have this ready yesterday, but I didn’t have enough time. At least it’s ready today.
Remember guys, the battle against AIDS is still on, it’s true that it’s much more manageable now, but it’s not over. 
Get tested, get informed, Remember, Undetectable = untransmittable, fight against the stigma, and be there for those who need you. :) 



Phoenix Monroe

Beautiful piece Tom, I love the symbolism between grey & red. ❤️


thank you my friend! I was reading some stories about the AIDS crisis back in the 80's and 90's and I really felt like I needed to do something with it. This piece was a way to get those feelings out. I know many younger people never really saw how bad it was, even myself I was born in 81, so I didn't even realize it when I was younger. I'm glad things are different now and people with HIV can live mostly normal lives, but the battle is far from over. :)