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For those who don't know, tomorrow Im moving to Barcelona, in Spain, it0s a HUGE change for me since I've lived in Santiago, Chile (south america) ALL my life.

SO things have been really crazy these past few weeks for me, I'm moving to another city, country, continent and hemisphere, lol!

I'll do my best to have all rewards ready within the month, but please have patience with me this month because it's going to be a LOT of changes to me. :)

I love you all and thank you so much for your support all this time!

If all is good I should be able to post again when I'm there on tuesday night/wednesday morning.



David Cantero

Buen viajeeeeeeeee!!! La próxima vez que vaya a Barcelona, te aviso!!! XXX


muchas gracias guapo!! espero que nos podamos ver alla!!! un abrazote!´

Erik Fair

Safe travels, and success in finding a new place to live that treats you &amp; your partner better.


Welcome to Europe! :P Hope everything goes smoothly and don't worry too much about the rewards, we'll be patient ;)


That's fantastic news!! Now that's a change of Life, boyz! Bravo and good luck for this amazing adventure!! :-D

Corie McLaren

Congratulations hon! I hope its a good move1


it's a BIG change indeed, I'm still a bit scared by everything that I have to do

Patrick Fillion

CONGRATS, my friend!! I'm super happy for both of you!!! Very best of luck in your new home and city!! I'm sure great things await you both!!! Great Big Hugz + Kisses to ya!!! :D &lt;3 XOXO