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Hey guys! I'm posting this only for the 25$ and 40$ patrons, since it would only affect you guys. 

Lately I've had lots of new Patrons joining, which is great of course! But also, I now barely have time to draw only patron rewards, and I really want to be able to also draw other things, like more art of my own characters or being able to work more on class comics' projects and my own webcomic too. 

So I'm thinking into changing some of the rewards. Instead of every 25$ and 40$ patron getting a free comission with each month, limit them so it's 5 comissions of 25$ and another 5 comissions of 40$. 

This could be done either by some random selecting of patrons, (for example with random.org) or with a voting system. where you guys would tell me your characters and the top 5 of each tier would get selected. 

How would it work? each beginning of the month I would send a message to all of you like I always have done, and I'll give you around 4-5 days to reply and tell me your characters, and after those 4-5 days I would either make a vote for all patrons or a random selection of them.

This would allow me to be able to have some more time to make more non fanart drawings, being able to work faster on both my webcomic and class comic projects. But also, I don't want you to feel that it would be unfair to you. I know that most of you enjoy my art, since you're the ones that are supporting me the most, so I guess being able to do more of my own drawings and comics would be good for you too, but  still I want to hear your opinions on it. 

I still will make the final decision on my own, but believe me when I say your opinion on it is really important and I want to hear it, so feel free to vote on this poll or if you want you can also PM me. :)

Also, please let me know if you have any doubts or questions about it or any other matter, I'll help with what I can!



I want you to do whatever keeps your creativity flowing in a way that's beneficial for you; since, as you so rightly point out, that's why we're here! ❤️


It's not worth it if your heart isn't in it. Gotta like what you're doing! But then what would you do if the patrons character was never chosen? Just throwing it out there.


I think you should do, what helps you staying creativ. If you need to change the tier to be available to make more art and do more of what you want like you're own comics and work with Class Comic's projects, then u should maybe/deff switch up the tiers. I will kinda be a little sad though, cause i love getting a commission from u every month. >x3 BUT ik its a lot of work to do what you do..... So whatever you chooice, i will still support ur desicion and you're art! ^^


oh believe me, my heart (and other blood filled body parts) are in all my drawings! I love doing these rewards because it's also a great way to get to knoe many characters I otherwise wouldn't have known in the first place! But I also want to be able to draw something else than just rewards, that's all. Ans as for your question, with a vote system I agree that maybe less known characters would have a harder time being chosen, but with a random selection of rewards anyone can win. :)


thanks a lot for your opinion and for understanding :) I love doing the rewards, but also I miss having some time to draw other things besides them.


I've noticed that your work load is starting to get slower, and it's most likely because of all the patrons asking for drawings. I think you should just make a voting system, where lets say the top 5 or so characters get drawn. You could do it by making a post where people will comment their ideas, and then you (or the ones that get the most likes) pick 10 or so ideas and then make the voting poll of those 10 and choose the one that wins. This would go for $25 and $40.

Ryan Ellison

I do agree that if you put in a voting system, lesser known characters would have a chance to win, especially if they are OCs or from obscure media. While I do like the idea of a random number generator to decide the 5 who get their commissions, it could end up that a couple people don't get chosen for a couple months. If you wanted to take 5 from each of the two tiers, you could just split the group in half, and do every other month rewards? The other alternative I could think of would be to rework the tiers as you have them, and perhaps changing up the types of commissions on them? I completely understand where you are coming from! You can't keep pushing your personal project aside forever, especially if you are already juggling a lot of commissions each month due to the tiers. You do what you need to for your art, and I will be here to support you! Whatever you decide, as long as it works for you and you are comfortable, then it will be fine!


yeah, it's a big workload and some months I have a hard tima managing to get them all done in time (specially since the euro trip wich made me late on rewards XD) the voting system would be nice because people would get to know how it is going and who is winning, and if you choose a well known character, it's very probably it'll be selected. The downside is that less known characters (or Original characters) will hardly ever get selected.

A Strange One

All through tho, think it would help out if you had a tier cap? Maybe you can rework em to have a restrictive number in both 25 and 40 (at, like, 7, each or something.)? Then it could balance your house, and all that. Idk, lol


thanks a lot for the opinion and understanding! I thought about making it one comission each 2 months, but considering i already have 10 or more patrons in each tier, it would fix things for now, but wouldn't solve another problem. that the 40$ tier is filled and no one else can join, and the 25$ is soon to be closed down too for the same reason. so even splitting them into 2 months wouldn't allow new patrons that want to join in these tiers.


Also, please let me know if there's any other sort or reward you'd love for it to be in my Patreon. I'd love to hear your ideas too :)


the 40$ patron already is capped at 10 and 25$ is soon to be closed at 11. but I'm already a bit over what I can manage some months, and I can't just take people away. I could in theory keep them capped and maybe reduce the amount each time someone in those tiers leave.


Another option (that I didn't include because I just now thought about it, is that depending on the work load of each month, not all rewards would be colored, so some of them would be linearts and others would be full color. (how to decide though? 25$ lineart and 40$ full color? or just make it random or choose the ones I want? XD maybe I could also add this option to the poll if anyone likes it.

Timothy Chandler

You need not to be burdened with Rewards taking over your life for sure. Since you are wanting to do 10 total a month and wanting to do them by vote or random selection why not delete the $40 reward and just stop at $25 reward?


Thats a good idea 25$ for a sketch commission/head sketch commission and 40$ for a full commission ^^


Also thinking into instead of it being either random or vote (which could both result in patrons not getting their rewards in a while) is to simply go through patrons in groups of 10 (5 and 5) and do those, and next month chose the next 10, and so on and so on, so even if people won't get their reward every month, they would be assured to get one every couple of months... I haven't decided though yet, part of me still feels it wouldn't be fair. I'll have to think it over a bit more XD