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More cartoon nostalgia!

I'm sure the Overlord has a huge cock that's splitting poor Blackstar's ass in two! He won't be able to walk for a week, hahaha



Timothy Chandler

I bet John Blackstarr was not trained for alien probing during astronaut training.


Overload is pretty hot.

Michael Mendez

This brings me back to my childhood....with a naughty twist. This is great! :D


The face expressions are eveything!! :-D

Patrick Fillion

I was so addicted to Blackstar as a kid -- this... is... FAAAAABULOUS, Tom!! 😆😆😆

Ryan Ellison

I'm being introduced to a lot of things I missed in my childhood. Great work on this :3


haha so glad you liked it! I didn't get to see it as a kid :(