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i?ve been thinking about redesigning one of the protagonists of my Blood & Claws webcomic (which I haven't updated i forever I know XD, i'll resume working on it this month btw) 

this is how he used to look https://www.patreon.com/posts/blood-claws-page-8428740 I think i like the new version much more! now I only have to think of a reason of his change in the story lol, I have a few ideas already.

you can expect the comic to resume soon! I have lots of hot ideas to use on it!!! ;D




Can't wait to see it tom :D


Only the best from you tom ;)


I love the new look!

Antoine Rousseau

I'm in love with the new design! You're amazing Tom <3

Timothy Chandler

I could think of a few reasons for the new look the white hair is very in style right now


haha thanks guys! so glad you liked it!! <3


OH!! I understand the pic you posted on FB now!! XD


haha yes, it was a mix of how I want to look and an idea for this character ;)