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not good news - currently prices for electricity in my country went 90% up this year.
not to mention last year. also we are facing great inflation in poland. this might force me to stop rendering and patreon. right now it just covers the electricity bill. we don't have a dishwasher in our household, barely use microwaves. all bulbs are led. i am angry and sad at the same time. don't know what to do.

i don't want to stop.




Draven Shadow

I am so sorry to hear this news. It really would be a shame to loose the works of someone so talented and creative. I really hope things work out for you and somehow get better.

General Cellron XD

I'd say dont stop but maybe you might have to reduce how much you do until you're back on your feet, to be honest your art is great and stopping may very well make you very bored so i say keep going but in the end it is up to you whatever decision you decide to make I'll support it