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Entry for Slushe contest.
Barely made it.
no ideas, tech issues etc.
somehow it looks good



Christian Schmidt

You should be more proud of yourself and your work! Cause what you do is fuckin awesome! I love you and your artwork!😍😍😍


The one with thebrighter colors is better imho. Overall the illumination and coloration are for me here the interesting eye catching stuff. I also consider the pose of the girl interesting as it is rarely seen. My only issue for the goth contest is that it lacks a bit the clear goth focus/topic/theme. The candles around the couple might indicate some kind of sex ritual and the girls hair style and the outfit with the black bandages also goes into the gothic style direction. But there is some fantasy required from the observer to put it into context. While this is interesting and not a problem for me it might lack the clarity for the broad mass of voters who could turn and vote for something more stereotypic ( you know: crosses, bats, rituals cauldrons, ...). Just my view.