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She's getting better.
It's either untreated, ignored borreliosis or cardiac anxiety disorder. Two tomographies of head (one with contrast markers), spinal fluid samples taken, usg of carotid arteries, endless blood tests.
We don't know when she will be out.
On Sunday I will leaving with my son and close family for one week long vacations.
My girl said that I should go, take my kid and rest a bit.
Her mum is a nurse with over 30 years of experience so she will be under good care if it is anything serious, until I come back.

Write some wishes for her.
It will make her feel wee better for sure.



Hope she will feel better soon <3

Baron Von Seide

Hoping that it turns out to be easily (and inexpensively!) treatable. The wait to find out can be hard, I know- so take it easy and indulge yourself as much as possible!