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Hello my Patrons.

First of all, I would like to thank you guys for all the support. The support I receive here help me to keep going with my work and with my personal life too.

So, I think I own you guys an explanation of what is going on:

My personal life is mess right now, thanks to 3 reasons.
1-I received a very bad news some days ago (I think I can use the word Atom Bomb to describe it) and, yesterday, things got even worst.  Its something related with my family, but I would like to not get into too much details to preserve people. This made me sunk into a deep depression, something I am trying to recover from but its far from easy.

2-The reason above will make me work even more that I actually work and this will affect my health. I suffer from a Herniated Disc  in my spine, which got worst since I have to work a lot more to keep things going on here.

3- My laptop is dead and, to fix it, will cost almost the same of buying a new one (its a issue on its main board/motherboard), which I do prefer to do since I already wasted too much money trying to fix this laptop (first it was the screen replace, then HD replace, then power connector tons of times...) but I have no money to buy a new one.

To keep working on my stuff (which included my job in my real life), I am using a 10+ years old almost dead PC, with a broken monitor, which is aggravating my health problem.

As expected, all of this reduced my motivation to continue working in everything. BUT I HAVE TO CONTINUE, since I have two children to raise.

So why I decided to post this? BECAUSE I NEED HELP.
To buy a new computer to work, which barely suits my needs, here in Brazil we pay something close to R$2.500 (think about USD$780)

But I don't know which would be the best to set a crowdfunding campaign, because many of the available options doesn't works in Brazil (and the ones which works, doesn't accept money from other countries).

Do you guys have any idea?



Oh man. I am so sorry to hear of your plight, DB! I would love to help in any way that I can. Have you looked into setting up a GoFundMe campaign? As Drew mentioned, I think that the Mugen community would be a great place to approach for assistance, also.


Thanks everyone. GoFundMe doesn't let me create a campaign because they doesn't accept all countries, and they doesn't let me use PayPal. Transfer between bank accounts of different countries can be expensive too. Yeah, I plan to ask in Mugen Community once I set everything up. But I want to use this as my last resort. I am almost making a deal with a commission, which could make this happen. Wish me luck!