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Hi friends.

Last week I went to the orthopedist again and I finally don't need to immobilize my finger anymore! It may sound silly, but this was getting to me a lot - being able to shower properly after 6 weeks is such a relief, lol.

I'm using a medication to help with healing, as I had several marks on my finger.

However, there are some downsides:

  • I will have to do 20 physiotherapy sessions, as the movement in my middle finger is very limited and I can't bend it.
  • I'll have to relearn how to type, because depending on the key I can't reach with my middle finger and I have to use other fingers, like "A, S, D, F".
  • I'm feeling a lot, a lot of pain in my finger. Yesterday I had to take sleeping pills because of the pain. According to the doctor, there is a small inflammation and for having been immobilized for so long, it influences my pain.

I have to go back to the orthopedist after these 20 sessions, to see if I was able to regain my movements properly.

And, of course, this whole situation is affecting my finances as well, since I've been idle for a long time.

I confess that I have a VERY BIG fear of not being able to recover 100% of the movements (there is that chance) and having to abandon some things, like playing keyboard/piano. And that would leave me devastated 😦

I'm slowly getting back to my work, but progress should be slow for a few weeks yet - probably for the rest of the year.

I'm trying to be positive, but it's not being easy.

Your truly,

O Ilusionista



Sad to hear! But Tony Iommi played guitar in black sabbath with missing fingers on his left hand. Def Leppard drummer continued playing with one arm. If it doesn't return to full health you'll find your way around it eventually 🙂