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The work on the Power Rangers game doesn't stop and I love working on it. We managed to form a small team, but with reliable people who work very well together. I always wanted to be able to work with Ramzaneko, who is a longtime and extremely talented friend. Being able to count on a spriter on his level is a blessing :)

Some updates about the game:

- We had to change the select screen a bit, because we will have close to 70 playable characters on the future. 

How it will work?
Each player who join the game will make a group of portraits to appear, grouped by the player indicator. So if there are just 2 players, just 2 groups will appear.

Notice those small arrows on each group? This is called PAGE. Each player will be able to scroll though pages, which will contain characters based on each series (MMPR, SPD, etc). So each player will be able to scroll though the pages on a independent way.


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