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 A full gameplay by Psykai, this time with Emma Frost :)


Avengers: UBF - Demo 2.7.2 - Emma Frost Playthrough #1

I have always been terrified of Emma Frost because for quite a while she was considered the worst character in the game by many, myself included, and so I was dreading playing through the game as her. However, she has come a long way since then with many quality of life improvements! Emma remains one of the hardest characters to play, but once you have an idea of how to utilize her abilities, she becomes more manageable. I still struggle with her myself but here's some tips based on my experience with her (I've been practicing A LOT with her the last few days in order to get the best quality gameplay I can manage) for those who wish to give her a chance: Emma does not have a regular Avenger Power (which does sometimes feel like a weakness) and instead switches between her two modes; Psychic Mode and Diamond Mode. Both of these have completely unique movesets and thus play very differently to each other. Imagine if Jean Grey could transform into the Hulk and back, or something like that XD. Switching to Diamond Form costs only half of her Power Bar, allowing her to start using special moves in Diamond Form immediately. However because in Diamond Form she loses access to her psychic abilities (but gains protection from other people's psychic abilities) it costs a FULL power bar to change back to Psychic Form, and then she will have no bar to use on specials for a while, so managing your power is very important in knowing what you have available to you. Psychic mode has great range on her basic combos by using her astral projection, making her able to hit melee enemies without them being able to hit her back, although positioning is crucial in this form! You have to pay attention to your surroundings because she can be ganged up on in a bad way. Thankfully her specials also have a very long range (covering almost the entire length of the screen, making them great for dealing with crowds) and the ability to stun and control enemies, allowing you to remove certain threats for a while, however these abilities don't work on mechanical enemies, so the later stages in particular can become very hard for Psychic Emma. Diamond mode is pure powerhouse, where Emma's defenses are greatly enhanced, she becomes hard to knock down, and she is able to decimate enemies in close combat with powerful punches, grabs and throws, however she is very slow, cannot jump high at all, and has no range in this form. I highly recommend this form when fighting against robots, large/difficult crowds, and some bosses. Emma feels like a tank in this form but she's not completely invincible and will eventually succumb to the pain if you're too ballsy with her. When she gets low on health, Emma will automatically switch to Diamond form to give her the highest chance of survival and it will not cost her any power to do so. This will actually feel annoying to start with as it can be disorienting to have your moveset suddenly change unexpectedly, but once you get used to it, you will find yourself feeling relieved when she's all like "I got dis". Emma's strategy comes from knowing which mode to use in each situation (I think I show some good examples in the video and hopefully in the above paragraph). It is probably possible to play the game using only a single mode too if you wish to focus on learning a specific playstyle with her but I've never tried it and prefer switching between the two myself. I think only players who REALLY like Emma Frost and also players who enjoy learning complex characters will play her but hopefully this will help those who are unsure to at least give her a try :) She takes a lot of practice but I'm pretty comfortable picking her on occasion now! The quality of life changes she has received have definitely made her viable now. My favourite moment is when I defeat Trapster and then Emma says "you should have run..." The timing was so perfect and it also shows the attention to detail in her design, as she becomes cold-hearted whilst in Diamond mode but remains cheerful in Psychic mode. It's details like this which make me love every character in the game, even those I normally wouldn't care for! If you have any request on who you would like to see next then leave a comment below! The characters I have yet to cover are: Beast, Black Cat, Red Hulk, Namor and Wolverine. And if you would like me to write more detailed descriptions in the future (if they're helpful to anyone) then let me know and I will endeavor to do so if I feel I know the character well enough ^_^. Also, "Life's a bitch, and so am I" is legit my favourite line in the entire game. It's pure gold, or should I say, pure DIAMOND ;) --------- This is a fan-made project developed with the OpenBOR Engine and is, in my opinion, the most impressive and fun example of the genre. For more information on this project and where to download it, please visit the developer's website: http://brazilmugenteam.com/avengers/



Hey is this getting getting a full update? I've been playing that lately. A friend of mine show me this since I was a big fan of Captain America and the Avengers arcade.


Hey, thanks for commenting. I hope you enjoyed the game :) Yes, the new update will be release in 2 or 3 months. There will be a lot of new content on the game and somethings will change, like how the routes works - now each route will lead you to different bosses and stages. Take a look at this tag and you will find a lot of info <a href="https://www.patreon.com/oilusionista/posts?tag=Avengers%20UBF">https://www.patreon.com/oilusionista/posts?tag=Avengers%20UBF</a>


Sounds good to me. I'm liking a lot a fan-made games now.