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==== MECHANICS ====
One of the things I've changed on this project is that now it works only as a boss rush. This means no more Versus, team versus or Survivor matches. Now there is only Arcade, Team Arcade and Team Co-op.

With this, you don't even face the playable characters anymore - only the bosses. This gives me more freedom to code the bosses and gives me less work. The game never were planned to work as a normal mugen anyway.

==== LIFEBARS ====

New lifebars were made by Exelord  (WIP).

And them were moved to the bottom area, as many feedback had suggested. This gives more room to the fight itself.

- Red Ranger
- Tyris (Golden Axe)
- Foot Soldier (TMNT)

And some others I want to code, like the protagonist of SkyBlazer. 


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