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 Jhfer is helping me a lot, making the basic work of many characters (enemies, player, bosses).
The last one he had sent me is Enchantress

(probably, I will change the fire effect to green)

My plan for her is to make she different from the other bosses - since she has almost no fighting skils, she will not chase the player for close combat, but instead she will use long distance tactics. Her main power will be sorcery:

 The Enchantress' magical powers are among the most powerful of all Asgardians. The Enchantress's strength and proficiency with magic is second only to Karnilla, with enough power even in the Earthly realm to cloud the sight of Agamotto through his Orb for hours from the view of Doctor Strange. 

Also, Skeletons, after dying, aren't removed from the screen. They have one trick: when they "die", there a small chance of "rebirth". So it will rise to fight you again. Skeletons were a pain in Golden Axe and they are a pain here too - they get itens, escape from grabs (like bosses does) but do not fall on holes like morons like in GA, .

by the way, since Iron Fist is now playable, I've replaced him in the boss game select screen



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