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Thanks, it's just a little scratch, really. I'm constantly falling off that stupid bike. I appreciate you fussing over me, though...you always make me feel safe and settled again. You're like...my heart band-aid! Hehe.

Script is by the wonderful u/iamthejackkeaton!! Please enjoy our sappy creation.

Gender Notes:

F4M - Listener described as having a penis

F4A - Listener's genitals are not described

Blue's Notes:

Going for the double whammy with both the [Exes to Lovers] and [Roommates to Lovers] tags!! Get ready for all the mushy goodness.

Version linked above is F4M WITH wet sounds!


Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-31 00:16:14 These are my favorite kind of audios. Not because it’s NSFW, but because I can just listen to them and try to trick my brain into thinking someone does care about me like that. And now since I forgot to eat yesterday, I need to go get my bread and half frozen hotdog.
2022-08-28 16:29:45


Dang, I strive to be like this Listener when I'm in a relationship(besides the whole not taking care of myself part).