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I can say cock if I like! Cock, cock, cock. I’m the princess. I can do whatever I please.

Embarrass myself? (laughter) Any person who dared to laugh at me or whisper so much as a cross word would find his head and his shoulders suddenly distant strangers.

So despise me all you like, manservant. I actually find it rather refreshing.


Blue's Notes:

Sound familiar? This was my very first ever original erotic audio series, now remastered for y'all to enjoy. I'm working on remastering part 2 of this three-part series and will hopefully have that ready by next month!



Shan't, hussy, bloomers, uncouth, lily-livered, impertinent, and cur - THAT'S sexy talk (said with a Sean Connery accent, of course). That was a deliciously frothy audio with the scorn, tease, swat, tickle, and spurn 🏆